Teater, Donald R.

Education and Experience
Dr. Teater earned his Doctor of Medicine (MD) at Ohio State University and attained his Master of Public Health at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
Prior to joining SEARHC, he worked as a Primary Care Provider in North Carolina for 25 years. Dr. Teater also specialized in Pain and Addiction Treatment in North Carolina for 16 years. From 2012-2016 he worked as the Medical Advisor at the National Safety Council leading their efforts to reduce opioid addiction and overdose. He was the lead facilitator for the expert panel during the development of the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain.
When asked about working with SEARHC he said “I am excited to be working with SEARHC providing state-of-the-art, evidence-based, pain and addiction treatment with a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified professionals.”
Personal Interests
When not at the clinic, he trains medical professionals across the country on effective pain and addiction treatment.
Dr. Teater has been happily married for over 35 years and enjoys all outdoor activities.