SEARHC is focused on operational continuity as the fiber optic cable cut near Sitka is repaired. For care delivery updates, please visit our Facebook or X channels.
Billing & Financing
Thank you for making SEARHC your health care provider of choice. We appreciate the trust you place in us to take care of you and your loved ones. Our high-quality care extends beyond clinical care to our business services as well. To make the billing and payment process as understandable and convenient as possible, we have staff available to help.
For those using insurance, we will bill your insurance carrier directly. We encourage you to review your benefits and coverage limitations to avoid financial surprises. If there is a balance due that is your responsibility, it can be paid online using our official Paystation payment portal where you may pay your medical or dental bill online quickly and easily. To ensure payments post before the due date, we recommend that you submit your payment at least three days in advance.
Questions? Call 1.866.204.8097
If you have questions or concerns about your SEARHC bill, please contact us toll-free at 1.866.204.8097, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alaska Standard Time. Our representatives can assist with the following:
- Explain your SEARHC bill
- Add new insurance
- Provide a statement of your SEARHC account
- Tell you your SEARHC balance
- Help you make a payment
If SEARHC referred you for care to a provider outside the SEARHC system and you have questions about a bill you received from that provider, please contact SEARHC Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) at 1.866.966.8316.
To pay your bill online, follow this link.
SEARHC’s Patient Health Benefits team provides free help signing up for health insurance and our financial assistance program.
If you need assistance with Medicaid, Medicare, Veteran’s Benefits, the Health Insurance Marketplace, Tribally Sponsored Health Insurance Program, HRSA sliding discount or our Financial Assistance program, we can help you.
Learn more here:
Contact us for a Price Quote
You may contact SEARHC directly with your request for a price quote at 907.463.6611.
Contact us for a Price Quote
You may contact SEARHC directly with your request for a price quote at 907.463.6611.
Additional Resources:
Some SEARHC facilities are classified as Community Health Centers and receive funding from the U.S. Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) for providing health services in underserved areas. As Community Health Centers, these clinics serve all community members and offer services on a sliding fee schedule, based on income.
This Sliding Fee Discount Program provides a mechanism that ensures services at the HRSA Clinics are available to all clients without regard for the person’s ability to pay. It provides a consistent and comprehensive set of eligibility guidelines for sliding fee discount management and a mechanism for collecting income level information for all patients, regardless of discount status. SEARHC’s facilities are FTCA deemed by the Federal Government.
Questions? Call 907.966.8621
If you live in one of the following HRSA clinic communities, please use the form above to enroll in the sliding fee discount program:
- Klukwan
- Haines
- Kake
- Angoon
- Hoonah
- Pelican
- Tenakee
- Klawock
- Hydaburg
- Thorne Bay
- Kasaan
- Wrangell
- Gustavus
- Excursion Inlet
- Coffman Cove
- Whale Pass
- Naukiti
- Edna Bay
- Point Baker
- Port Protection
- Juneau (Front Street Clinic)