50 Years of Care

Learn About Our Origins

Chair Kimberley Strong

50th Anniversary Message

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In 1975, the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) was founded with a profound vision: to provide accessible, high-quality healthcare to the remote and often underserved communities of Southeast Alaska. SEARHC’s roots are deeply intertwined with the Alaska Native self-determination movement of the 1970s, a time when tribal leaders sought to reclaim sovereignty over essential services for their people, including healthcare.

SEARHC’s 50th Anniversary Logo

The 50th anniversary logo is a visual representation of this remarkable milestone in our organization’s history. This logo celebrates 50 years of partnership with our foundational Devil’s Club logomark encircled by the ‘0’ upon which the three dots rest and represent the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian tribes. The form line wave and rich green color elements honor our cultural connection and stunning region in which we live and serve our communities. The 50th anniversary logo serves as the foundation for our yearlong efforts celebrating the enduring care that has defined SEARHC’s mission in service of our patients and communities over the past five decades. 

SEARHC’s Journey Began with a Clear Mission

Alaska Native people working in partnership to provide the best healthcare for our communities. This commitment was built on the principles of self-governance and deep cultural respect. By assuming responsibility for local healthcare services, SEARHC created a model that prioritized the unique needs of Southeast Alaska residents, blending Western medicine with Alaska Native traditions to promote holistic well-being.

The organization’s first major milestone came with the establishment of the Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital in Sitka, a former U.S. military facility repurposed to serve the region’s healthcare needs. This facility became a cornerstone of SEARHC’s work, offering inpatient and outpatient services, specialty care and critical health programs. Over the years, SEARHC expanded its reach, building clinics and services in communities across the region.

SEARHC’s growth is deeply rooted in innovation and cultural alignment. Early programs like the WISEWOMAN project, which targeted cardiovascular disease prevention among women, and partnerships to address behavioral health challenges, reflect SEARHC’s forward-thinking approach. Today, SEARHC continues to lead the way as one of the largest Native-run healthcare organizations in the nation, serving 26 communities and providing care to thousands of Alaskans.

At the Heart of SEARHC’s Success Is Its People

From our founding leaders to today’s team of more than 1,500 strong, our employees have always been at the heart and soul of our organization’s success. Embodying unwavering dedication to providing exceptional care and service, the steadfast passion and commitment to excellence, for five decades, ensures that we consistently deliver on our mission to provide the best healthcare for our communities. Together, their expertise and steadfast compassion, have created a culture of trust, innovation and teamwork that drives us forward today. 

As we celebrate 50 years of service, we invite you to learn more about our journey, honor those who have contributed to our story, and join us in shaping the next chapter of SEARHC’s legacy.

Share Your Story

For 50 years, SEARHC has been a part of countless stories across Southeast Alaska—stories of healing, hope and resilience. As we honor this incredible milestone, we want to hear from you. 

How has SEARHC impacted your life or the lives of those in your community? Whether it’s a memory of a dedicated healthcare provider, a moment of support during a difficult time or an example of how SEARHC’s services have made a difference, we would love to hear your story. 

Help us celebrate 50 years of partnerships, innovation and community care. Together, we can continue building a healthier Southeast Alaska! 

Celebrating Milestones

SEARHC has a rich history that begins well before its formation in 1975. With just a few milestones reflected below, we encourage you to delve deeper into SEARHC’s history and its Gumboot Determination, published in 2021.

  • 1975

    Congress passed the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. This gave Alaska Native tribes the option of assuming the operation of health services in their communities. SEARHC is founded (February 20), under the provision of the Indian Self-Determination Act, as one of the first Native-run healthcare organizations in the U.S., marking the beginning of a new era in healthcare for Southeast Alaska communities.
  • 1976

    SEARHC was one of the first organizations to contract with the Indian Health Service, the federal agency responsible for ensuring that comprehensive public health services are available to American Indian and Alaska Native people.
  • 1982

    The contract was expanded to include the operations of the Indian Health Service Juneau clinic, now the Ethel Lund Medical Center.
  • 1984

    Sitka Community Association had given its resolution of support to SEARHC marking the completion of Ethel Lund’s multi-year task of garnering and sustaining the support of approximately 20 tribal entities in Southeast Alaska.
  • 1986

    SEARHC assumes operation of Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital in Sitka, establishing it as a cornerstone of regional healthcare services.
  • 1995

    SEARHC introduces the Behavioral Health Division to provide comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services, addressing critical needs in the region.
  • 2000

    SEARHC launches the WISEWOMAN program, to improve cardiovascular health among Alaska Native women.
  • 2010

    SEARHC opens the Ethel Lund Medical Center in Juneau, named in honor of one of the Consortium’s founding members and a champion for Alaska Native health.
  • 2019

    SEARHC completes a historic collaboration with Wrangell Medical Center, enhancing access to healthcare in Wrangell and surrounding communities.
  • 2024

    SEARHC proudly serves 26 communities across the diverse regions of Southeast Alaska, and is dedicated to improving the health, well-being and quality of life for all people in these communities.
  • 2025

    SEARHC celebrates its 50th anniversary, reflecting on five decades of partnerships, growth, and progress in Southeast Alaska healthcare.