We are delighted to provide our community with a safe, reliable pharmacy during hours that are convenient for you! We are open during the lunch hour and after work. We’re conveniently located within the Wrangell Medical Center campus.
Our friendly pharmacist and staff are happy to assist you with the following services:
- New Prescriptions
- Prescription Refills
- Medication Management Therapy
- Medication Disposal
We are also available to answer your medication questions and can provide information about generic brands.
If you have any questions about your insurance or the cost of medications, please let us know so we can work with you to identify the best options to meet your needs.
SEARHC Retail Pharmacies offer online and over-the-phone prescription refill services. To request a prescription refill over the phone, call your pharmacy today. To request a prescription refill online, visit Wrangell Medical Center – Rx365 Mobile.